
Suppose there was cream in a jar,
That could give you the chops for musician,
Play the keyboards like Wakeman or Hancock,
Or guitars like Jim Hendrix or Page.
You would rub quick the ointment on hands,
And the music will flow from your fingers,
For great owe, inspiration and thrill,
As if this was your skill, to begin with.

Pretend that a pill was dispensed,
That allowed you to instantly paint,
Use a brush like Da Vinci, Monet,
Classic artist or modern caprice.
You would take it with water or wine,
Touch the brush to the palette, and there!
Grow breathtaking images on canvas,
For the people to gather and glare.

Assume that a capsule produced,
That would instantly give you the wisdom,
Of Plato, Aristotle, or Pascal,
Philosophers, masters of art.
Have the wits of these greats in your mind,
To think, write, teach, imagine and bright,
Be the light for the people et al,
Bring humanity forward in time.

Imagine a potion existed,
To teach mankind the meaning of love,
To care and to cherish, to know,
All that God put on Earth to belong.
To run evil far from this world,
To bring on peace, heaven here now,
End all war, despair, hatred, and pain,
For all people from younglings to worn.

Trivial, youthful the thought that puts forth,
Such good wishes of ease, less effort,
For the life that each makes for thou self,
Needs commitment, true depth, and hard work.


January 28, 2020