Autumn Gothic

Autumn Gothic

A gray suburban Sunday morning framed by the kitchen window,
Autumn leaves struggle to hang from branches for one more day,
A still-green grass is covered by their yellowing siblings who took an early fall,
They drift around the yard in a windy bid at finding a new life.

Morning coffee steams on the table, Babka to its side,
A week-old magazine open to a trailblazing young doctor’s profile,
The future seems positively inspiring on the glossy pages,
Seep of coffee, harvest sweet bites from the plate, no crumb left behind.

Cat Nami sniffs the chilly air through the slightly open window,
The day ahead is hinting; chores, creative tasks, relaxation, the range,
Writing a story chapter, a poem, brave weather for a walk,
The coffee cup and plate are empty, the kitchen sink is next.


October 31, 2021

The Third in November

Ash TreeThe Ash tree in the front yard lost all its leaves,
To the storm last night.
The skies are now pouring through it,
Onto the dormant ground.

Ready for the winter hardship,
It stands naked, gray branches barren,
No coat or cover, only thin fingers,
Pointing defiantly at the cold wind.

Birds bathe in the shallow end of the pond,
Readying their feathers for the coming winter,
Squirrels run last-minute errands,
To store food.

The season is changing,
Sending messages of bright colors,
Chilly nights,
And a fading sun.

The election season blows angst into my head,
A year framed by confinement and fear,
Is reaching its conclusion.
In leaves-covered yards.

Faces in windows,
Peeking outside,
Seeking, and hoping,
For a greener future.


October 24, 2020