

Morning sun breaks through the window shade’s cracks,
But the rays which manage to sneak in do little to light the small space,
Or even charm it with a tiny sense of warmth,
Anything that would ease the dark chill that’s been encompassing it,
Over the past few days.

You’ve been here before, in this very same place,
Shivering and worried, will it ever warm up?
So you know how these periods happen to emerge,
Like untimely weather events,
Or meteoroids bursting into the atmosphere,
Which can be forecasted if you know what signs to look for,
Such as contrails of migrating birds,
Messages of fallen leaves drawn on the ground,
Or gossip bees exchange while seeping nectar.
But you rarely do.
Instead, you bask in the light and enjoy the warmth,
As it fills every corner of you, baking you in a comfortable joyful daze,
Until you suddenly realize you are alone in the chamber,
Conversing with yourself,
And your words condense in the frozen air in front of you,
Turning your worries into tiny water droplets,
That quickly vanish,
Unlike your thoughts.

Earthly and celestial bodies move to their own rhythm,
Trying to intercept their motion is unwise,
Not to mention futile.
It is better to watch and admire them from a distance,
Until the constellation realigns to a different form.
Better days ahead, you know that from experience.
Love the invisible sun,
Appreciate her great presence.
She will rise again, anew,
Following a meteor shower,
A flock taking a morning flight,
Or by next fall,
But not today.


December 16, 2022


SerendipityThe wrath of the skies on one midsummer night,
Showered thunder and storm on a saturated Earth,
Creeks were filled, rivers rose, and the water raged on,
Widening crevices, paths, downstream flow current strong.

Fields were turned into lakes and house basements to pools,
Drowning all that did not float under cold waterfalls.
It took days for the sun to return to her post,
And the water to give up its conquered lots.

To the basement she went to assess what was lost,
Finding water-soaked pictures the decades engulfed,
Parts of life that belonged to her much younger self,
Faded memories interred in a box on a shelf.

Curiosity, courage combined to an act,
Message sent, one returned, an exchange then begot,
And the flame that was lit then, a lifetime ago,
Kept suppressed, now caught fire with force to behold.

Love is patient, it waits for the right time to strike,
It combines chance and place, and two spirits delight,
From disaster and agony loss sprung fresh love,
That took decades to simmer but has timely arrived.


October 2, 2022


AwakeHorny cats yowl a cappella,
In a fiery summer night dating ritual.
Heated fights pierce the collective hum,
Of air-condition units,
Struggling to cool down the humid air,
And tempers,
Swirling over the sleepless metropolitan.

Making love is a sticky venture,
For the furred,
And the furless.
Lust driven by hormones,
Gamed by opportunity, determination,
And a good dose of timing and luck.

Electrode fingers, rubbing bodies,
Touching, sensing, probing,
Producing sweat, raising temperatures,
Generating fun-static electricity,
And envy.

Street lights glow through the window shades,
I lay beside you,
Listening to your quiet breathing,
And yowling silently.


July 2, 2022

Circle of Love

Circle of LoveHome is where love is,
Love is where you feel safe,
Feeling safe helps you become inspired,
Being inspired gives you strength,
Strength saves you from danger,
Inspiring you to expand into new worlds,
Where you can discover strength, safety, and love,
Reinforcing your home.


December 6, 2021

Storm Door

Storm DoorThe wind that blows hard,
Amid the rooms of your soul,
Flows there mighty and warm,
Through your open-heart door.

Take me in, the storm hisses,
I have tales to remind you,
Of the past you have had,
And the past you did not.

Shut it down, and the air,
Locks outside in a howling,
No aroma or touch,
Neither sense nor comfort.

If ajar, mighty flood,
Overwhelms with emotions,
Past and present regrets,
People, places, and wants.

Tears flow warm down your face,
Dripping painful emotions,
Cannot stop, cannot go,
What to do to dislodge?

Open wide, don’t despair,
Stand your ground with a might!
Work and love shall bring peace,
Tame the storm, heal your heart.


June 26, 2021


הבהוב,בְּחֶשְׁכָּת הָלַיִל, כְּמִיתוֹךְ חֲלוֹם
,אוֹר נוּגֶה מֵאִיר מִתּוֹךְ חָדַר לִבִּי
,הִשְׁאִירוּ אוֹתוֹ חָבֵר שֶׁאָבַד זֶה מִכְּבָר
,חֲבֵרָה שֶׁהָלְכָה וְאֵינָהּ עוֹד
.מִזְּמַן רָחוֹק

,אֲנִי נִגָּשׁ אֶל הַמְּנוֹרָה הֲֲמֶסוֹעֶפֵת
,נוֹגֵעַ בַּמֶּתֶג הַמַּתְאִים
,חֲוָיוֹת, מְקוֹמוֹת, מִלִּים טוֹבוֹת

,הַמֶּתֶג הוּסַט וְכּוּבַּה
,אַךְ הָאוֹר נוֹתָר עוֹד, מְעֻמְעָם
,מֵאִיר אֶת זִכְרוֹנִי
,וּמְסַפֵּר שׁוּב עַל מִי שֶׁהָיָה

,עוֹמֵד וּמַבִּיט בָּאוֹר הַנֶּחֱלָשׁ לְאִטּוֹ
,בַּחֶדֶר נוּגִים אוֹרוֹת אֲחֵרִים
,שֶׁל אֲהָבוֹת שֶׁכָּבוּ
,אַךְ לְעוֹלָם יָאִירוּ
.אֶת פִּנּוֹת לִבִּי

English Translation
June 16, 2021

Barbed Wire

Barbed WireHappy birthday to you, love,
No cake or a festive celebration,
Just the thoughts of you and my dull pain,
So much sadness to contain, my tears stream uncontrollably,
And that overwhelming hollow loneliness, again.

Today is dedicated to commemoration,
Thought of time that was and never will,
Your music in the speakers and your presence all around me,
You are so long gone, and yet so here.

I wish I could remember you without the crushing ache,
Think back on our good times and nothing else,
I’m tired of drowning in my own emotions,
None of it does much to bring you back.

Sharing space in me, I truly love your presence,
But I need the room for other things,
I long for a day we’d live as just good neighbors,
Meet from time to time, but otherwise, be left free.

Happy birthday, love, it’s really good to see you,
I am filled with all the pain of missing us,
Rest your soul, you are gone but not forgotten,
The day will come I’ll find my long-sought peace.


November 23, 2020

Counter Life

In a parallel world, I have made different choices,
I did not fall in love, I made giant mistakes.
In that twin universe, we did not meet each other,
And all that we know never ever took place.

In a parallel world, I’m a violent felon,
Get in fights, beat and rob, also spent time in jail.
In that twin universe, I have nothing to live for,
Only suffering loss, pain, regret, and despair.

In a parallel world, I have married another,
We did somewhat okay, only just for a while.
In that place over there we fought much, hate each other,
We were coupled together, but never a pair.

The weather out there in that parallel universe,
Is the same as is here, seasons, sunshine, and rain.
All the towns and the streets are too, pretty identical,
So are dreams, hopes, desires, and people who care.

It’s the choice that is different, at that one intersection,
When an option presents, you take left instead right.
That’s how chances are missed and sure futures lose merit,
To a life that heads downhill instead of to great.

In a parallel world, I took different direction,
That had changed life forever for me and for some.
In that twin universe, I did not write this poem,
Or anything else I created in time.


September 13, 2020

Four Quarter Love

This party’s nice and special,
I like the dress you wear,
Second hour English,
I sit three chairs left, rear.

How do you like this music?
The DJ’s fun and hip,
This song he played is awesome,
Would you like to dance a bit?


This spot is great, let’s sit here,
The view is nice and clear,
I have some wine and glasses,
Here is to us, dear, cheers!

I wish to ask you something,
My mind is in a twist,
I love you to the heavens,
Will you accept this ring?


I have an early meeting,
Can you run kids to school?
I may be late this evening,
We need to join a carpool.

Let’s call the babysitter,
Go on a date, tonight,
We need to spend alone time,
Sit somewhere and just chat.


I need another blanket,
The room is chill again,
The grandkids called this morning,
They’ll visit over the weekend.

Can you please draw the curtains?
The evening shade had set,
Our program’s coming on soon,
Let’s rest and watch in bed.


September 20, 2011

Three Kisses

Three kisses occurred over time,
Each one came to mean different kind,
Lips touched, opened and closed,
Three kisses told a story of love.

First kiss met with care,
Came to know and discover,
An eye meets an eye,
A key to the soul.

Lips met, tender touch,
Warmth of breath,
Gentle bodies,
Slow encounter that met with a timid response.

Second kiss came with lust,
For a taste of the lips,
That exudes love desire,
With a secret kept bliss.

Flavor known and forgotten,
Concealed with lost thoughts,
Saved as treasured belongings,
Life that was, and is not.

Third kiss came for love,
That was there and still is,
Feelings strong and eternal,
Love that nourishes and feeds,

Love heart deep, love that muses,
Love eternally shines,
Love so true, love that’s honest,
Love forever divine.

Three kisses have waited a long time to happen,
Through winter of distance, of silence, of hope,
Three kisses woke trust and true mutual compassion,
And love that continues to guide and support.


September 22, 2010